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Team Quota- Because everyone deserves a sound beginning. Quotarians empower women, children, the deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired in local communities around the world. Current membership exceeds 5,600, representing more than 270 clubs in 14 countries.
Quench in our hearts, O Lord, all fires of selfishness,
Unfold to us the joys of true friendship,
Open our minds to a better understanding of service,
Teach us the real meaning of sharing
And help us to hold high those principles of Quota for which we stand.
Quota Club of New Martinsville was founded in 1974 to serve our local community.
Some of the local charitable organizations we currently support include: Olive Branch Animal Rescue, Gabriel Project(First Christian Church), Catholic Charities WV, Sistersville Lions Club, Child Advocacy Center, Wetzel County Relay for Life, Tyler County Relay for Life, American Red Cross, Stockings of Cheer, Esther Crumbly Fund, Easter Seals, Helping Hands Food Pantry, Journey Hospice,Wetzel County Hope and Memories, Judy's Place, Necessity Barn, Open Door Ministries, Shriner's, St. Vincent DePaul, Wetzel County Animal Shelter, Wetzel County Hospital, Wetzel County Emergency Ambulance, After Prom, Autumn Fest, Festival of Trees, Tyler TSA

Quota Club of New Martinsville works with Wetzel County Hospital for a Spring and Fall low cost Multiphasic Blood Analysis and Health Fair.    Please see our Events page for more information.

Quota Club of New Martinsville also holds social events for club members.  These usually include a New Members Get Acquainted Meeting and a Holiday Party.  Please see our events page for more information.

Quota Club of New Martinsville, P. O. Box 641, New Martinsville, WV 26155
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